NWSE Middle School status updates

Hello Everyone, Please use this sheet to check on your application status and Interview time block. The interview process will be as follows:

  • Students enter the Zoom about 5 minutes before the start time.
  • Students rename to include both their name and Exhibit number. example: Stephanie Jones PL-22
  • Students move to the breakout room which matches their category when told to do so. It will have the middle letters from the exhibit number and the beginning of the category name.
  • Depending on category, there are up to 7 projects in a breakout room at a time with 3-4 category judges. Students should be muted and video off until it is their turn to be interviewed.
  • The head judge will start by asking for any volunteers to go first. If you have a time crunch, volunteer then. If there are no volunteers, students will be called in exhibit order.
  • After your interview, you can choose to stay and watch other students in your category be interviewed or exit the zoom.
  • Each interview should be about 8 minutes long. 1-2 minutes of intro by the student and then judges will ask questions.

After all interviews are finished, the judges will deliberate and choose category awards. They may choose to nominate 1 project for Best of Fair judging. Students selected will be notified by email along with their adult sponsor. Some of your districts have restrictions which are blocking my emails directly to students. All notifications and a new zoom link will be distributed by 1pm. Selected projects will also be marked on the spreadsheet.

Best of Fair interviews are scheduled for specific times. There will be 1 project with 4-5 judges in a breakout room. Students will start with a 2 minute intro and then the judges will ask questions.

An Awards PowerPoint will be posted by 4:30pm. Awards will either be mailed or distributed to schools the first week of May.

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